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Statement issued by Coswell S.p.A. pursuant to article 13 of Legislative Decree number 196/2003


1) following your visits to this site, form completion, the receipt of your requests, preliminary contacts, surveys and market research, the establishment of the business relationship, etc., our company will collect and process your personal data;
2) for your information, we specify the following definitions provided in Legislative Decree number 196/2003:

Processing: any transaction, even without the aid of electronic instruments, pertaining to the collection, recording, organisation, storage, consultation, elaboration, modification, selection, extraction, comparison, use, interconnection, blocking, communication, dissemination, deletion and destruction of data;
Personal data: any information concerning a natural person, legal person, entity, identified or identifiable, even indirectly, by reference to any other information, including a personal identification number.

Now, therefore, in accordance with Article 13 of Legislative Decree number 196/2003 (Privacy),

we wish to inform you that personal data will be collected and processed by the company in compliance with the following:
a) general purposes: the data will be used for the proper fulfillment of administrative, accounting, tax, commercial obligations, for the issue of any loyalty card and for business operations required by law and strictly related to the business relationship; 
b) "direct marketing" purposes: the data (not sensitive) can be used, solely and exclusively, with your free, discretionary, specific and explicit consent, revocable at any time, also for sending advertising material/messages by mail, e-mail, phone, fax, SMS, MMS and the like; after giving your consent, you have the right to oppose, at any time and without charge, the processing of your data for these purposes;
c) method: data will be processed both with paper and electronic/computerised/telematics instruments and media, in full compliance with the law, according to the principles of legality and fairness and to protect your privacy; 
d) optional provision: the provision of data is optional and not mandatory;                    
e) consequences of a refusal: the refusal to provide data or opposition to processing for the purposes referred to in section a) may entail the impossibility to satisfy some of your requests, to participate in any of our prize contests and to issue a loyalty card; the refusal to allow the use of the data for the purposes described in section b), will have no effect on the granting of benefits related to promotions or the business relationship;
f) subjects or categories of subjects to whom the data may be communicated or disclosed: data can be communicated, for the proper discharge of the purposes of section b (direct marketing), to the following parties: the company Incos Cosmeceutica Industriale S.r.l., the Sole Member company Euritalia Pharma S.r.l., other subsidiaries/parent and affiliated companies, graphic art studios, print shops, advertising and marketing companies, mailing and similar entities. 

The data may be disclosed only for the purposes of section a), to other parties such as lawyers, accountants, credit institutions, credit bureaux, professional associations, etc. used by our company; the data will not be disclosed; 
g) company managers and officers in charge of data processing: data will be processed exclusively by a small number of specially authorised company officers working in the administrative, marketing, data centre and sales sectors;
h) rights of the concerned party: you have all the rights under article 7, viewable at the cash desk of the store and to which reference is made for completeness; 
i) data controller: the data controller is Coswell S.p.A. headquartered in Funo (BO), Via P. Gobetti n. 4, in the person of its legal representative;
j) person(s) in charge: the person responsible for communications with the Interested Parties is Juris Dr. Torreggiani with Law Firm in via Piccard 16/G in Reggio Emilia, Phone: 0522 11.30.69, fax 0522 38.79.96; any request for information or clarifications shall be addressed thereto. The complete and constantly updated list of data processors is available at the registered office

This information notice can be integrated orally or in writing with additional elements and indications in order to better cater for any need relating to further details on “Privacy” and any updating of the regulations on the subject. 

Date 29 June 2012                                                                                                 

The data controller                                                                   
Coswell S.p.A.